Bridge of Hope developed this initiative to empower individuals to come to terms with the legacy of the conflict. The programme takes place firstly in a facilitated residential setting followed by 8 facilitated support sessions. The programme is delivered through either:
- A therapeutic process which provides an opportunity for individuals to explore and share individual experiences in a confidential and supportive group environment.
- A personal development process which enables participants to review and understand their past experiences in a confidential and supportive group environment.
Who is it for?
The programme is targeted at individuals from Catholic/Nationalist/Republican and Protestant/Unionist/Loyalist communities who are experiencing high degrees of disconnection, deprivation and marginalisation associated with the impact of the conflict. Such communities have witnessed sustained conflict, loss of life and injury and political instability. Through this programme, individuals have the opportunity to re-connect with their own communities and society at large.
What is it for?
The unique journey of any individual has a political, social as well as a personal context. Similarly, the process of healing has both personal and social dimensions. Participating in group work is a valuable means of affirming interconnectedness while validating individual experience. The purpose of, ‘Who Am I?’ is to stimulate exploration of experiences, perceptions and feelings that could range over the past, present and the future. During the conflict many individuals built on their inner strength and developed resilience and coping skills. The programmes afford participants to openly reflect on their own personal circumstances within the new political landscape and outwardly express these within a group.