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Life Coaching

Life Coaching

Life coaching is a practice that helps people identify and achieve  personal goals. It aims to support and help the individual set and reach  goals using a variety of tools and techniques.

Life coaching can help individuals move forward with an increased  positive mental attitude, and enhanced levels of determination to create  a better present and a more positive future for themselves, family and  those around them.

Life coaching centres around three core issues, positive thinking,  changes in attitude and positive actions. Taken together these represent  a powerful methodology for moving forward.

Coaching can:

  • Positively affect individuals to reach their full potential in life
  • Positively affect families
  • Develop self belief, self esteem and self confidence
  • Improve emotional intelligence including improved self awareness, self management, social awareness and relationship management
  • Teach coping mechanisms for present and future life challenges
  • Eliminate self doubt and install positive beliefs
  • Remove fears and instil a stronger sense of self worth
  • Help to improve mental, physical and emotional well-being


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