Personal Development and Stress Management Course – 23rd August 2012
Bridge of Hope are organising a one day Personal Development Training/Stress Management Course on Thursday 23rd August at the McSweeney Centre.
The first step in the course is to identify how you are currently dealing with stress and look at ways to cope better. Participants will look at themselves in depth identifying their Strengths, Weaknesses, Ambitions and Needs. By listing these they can more clearly identify their feelings in order to find the best path.
This course also looks at ways to improve how you deal with stress including breathing techniques and practical skills to improve the way you communicate.
There are still a few places on this course and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. If you or anyone you know are interested in taking part please contact Mary Stanton on 028 9032 2289. To learn more about this fantastic programme click here.