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Have Your Say Belfast New 2016 Survey

Launching the Have Your Say Belfast Survey are (L-R): Dr Eddie Rooney and Dr Michael McBride, Co-Chairs of the Belfast Strategic Partnership (BSP); Irene Sherry, Chair of BSP Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing Thematic Group and Siobhan Toland, Head of Environment Health & Lead Operations Officer of City and Neighbourhoods Services, BCC.

Launching the Have Your Say Belfast Survey are (L-R): Dr Eddie Rooney and Dr Michael McBride, Co-Chairs of the Belfast Strategic Partnership (BSP); Irene Sherry, Chair of BSP Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing Thematic Group and Siobhan Toland, Head of Environment Health & Lead Operations Officer of City and Neighbourhoods Services, BCC.

People living in Belfast are invited to share their ideas about emotional health and wellbeing by completing a Belfast Strategic Partnership (BSP) survey arriving in every home throughout the city in July.

‘Have Your Say Belfast’ seeks views from people living in the city in regards to their emotional health and wellbeing, and that of their family and wider community. The results of the survey will inform future developments to improve the health and wellbeing of everyone in Belfast.

Speaking about the survey, Dr Eddie Rooney, Chief Executive, Public Health Agency, and Co-Chair of BSP, which is a partnership involving Belfast City Council, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and Public Health Agency to help tackle inequalities in Belfast said: “When we plan for the future, it is vital to listen to local people and find out how they are feeling as well as ways to improve how we work together.

“Replies from the survey will inform our plans to address and improve the factors that influence good emotional wellbeing. This will help us all to concentrate our efforts on preventing ill health and challenging the avoidable and unjust differences in health and wellbeing experienced by the best and the worst-off across Belfast, so I urge all residents to participate and share their views.”

‘Have Your Say Belfast’ should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Workshops will also be held across the city to enhance participation.

Irene Sherry, Chair of the BSP’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Thematic Group said:

“This survey will help us better understand the issues that affect emotional health and wellbeing, and the coping mechanisms people put in place to deal with the ups and downs of everyday life. We know there are significant health and life inequalities throughout the Belfast area, and we are hoping that this survey will provide us with further information on how we can effectively work to address those needs. Finding out how people feel about their mental health, what kind of relationships they experience with family and others, what things could help improve quality of life, and also establishing the extent of the conflict on health is critical if we are to design an accurate ‘wellbeing’ roadmap for the city that reflects identified needs.”

Paper copies of the survey will be delivered to every household in the Belfast City Council area within the next few weeks and you can also fill the survey in online at:

Completed surveys

Surveys should be completed by 31 July 2016 and sent to:


Public Health Agency

Alexander House

17 Ormeau Avenue


BT2 8HD.

For further information or copies of the the survey, contact Seamus Mullen by emailing [email protected] or by calling Tel: 028 9027 9388.

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